I can't believe I haven't posted these yet. Sorry! But we had a great time for Kylie's birthday! We had a BBQ the Sat before her birthday that was a blast (I will post pics of that soon too!), then we continued the celebration throughout the long weekend. We even had some FUN and WONDERFUL guests there the whole time! Brian's brother and his family (Brad, Dana, and Alan) came to visit and it was a BLAST!!! We had a great time with them and we're SO GLAD we got some time with them. Here are some pictures from our celebration...
We thought it would be fun to have Kylie pick out some things herself at the store for her birthday. We had some presents for her already, but took her to the store to have her find some things she loved. She LOVED being able to play with some toys at the store and get to take some home! :)
Kylie LOVES bubbles. Seriously...if I would sit there all day and just blow bubbles she would be so happy. Well luckily...they have things that will just sit there and blow bubbles for you now! I found this octopus that I got for her birthday BBQ for the kids. It was fun. Then when we went shopping we found another one...
This mega one was a HIT! It blows these HUGE bubbles and bubbles in bubbles and stuff. We spent quite a bit of time playing with this outside.
Here she is running around getting her bubbles. She had full reign of the porch. :)
And what were the Dads doing while we were playing with bubbles?! Well...the boys were chatting landscaping. After we went shopping for Kylie...we did a little shopping for our yard. Brad and Dana are PRO Landscapers so we wanted there help while they were here. The boys planned it all out for us...thanks! Now we need to go buy everything and start planting!
And the view of them both...Kylie running around with the bubbles and the boys chatting landscaping.
During our celebration, we also went to the zoo. (Of course because Kylie LOVES this place!) Here are the visitors that we LOVE at their first trip to the Hogle Zoo!!!!
Looks like Kylie is sleeping here, but she's bending down to tell her Daddy something very important. :) They are SO CUTE together! When Brian is around....that is who Miss Kylie wants to be with. :)
Brad and baby Alan checking out some monkeys. TOO CUTE!!!
The brothers and their kids with the gorilla. They are all loving this pic...can't you tell?! :)
And Baby Alan sitting up there all by himself?!?! :) Wow! (Thank heavens the gorilla was tall enough and such so Brad could hide behind it for us to get this picture!)
Cousins together hanging out on the big metal elephant at the zoo! :) We had to take the train ride too! Look at this cute family! :)
There are some big hills to walk up and sometimes we just need a little help. :)
So since you can't really tell...there is a kangaroo sleeping under that tree. Why the picture?! Well these three and headed off to Australia to live for a few years. Brad's job is taking them there. (LUCKY'S!!!) Anyway: we wanted to get a picture of the first time Alan ever saw a kangaroo! See....you guys can move to Utah and still have the same things to see! :) Hehe. Kylie's fave thing to do at the zoo may just be to ride the carousel. So of course we had to do this. Here is Kylie handing the attendant her ticket. She was excited...although you can't tell by her face. :)

Baby Alan with his Daddy riding it as well. Don't think he had the same love for it as Kylie but it was still so cute! :)
I have more pics to share. It was SO MUCH FUN to celebrate our beautiful daughter, Kylie. And have Brad, Dana, and Alan there too. We MISS YOU GUYS!!!!
wow looks like a fun day Ahsley!
How fun. I can't believe how much Brian's brother, Brad looks just like him. Crazy! I'm so glad Kylie had such a fun birthday. She is so dang cute and I can't believe she is getting so big. Crazy how time flies. Hopefully we'll be down sometime soon to see you guys.
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