Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Fun...

We had lots of fun Halloween week. Kylie got to go to a fun Halloween party at one of her neighborhood friends house where they...
Decorated cookies (or just ate lots of frosting)...

Played "SPOOKY"...
Kylie LOVED that game!
Put the spider on the web...
Bounced the ball in the bowl...
And a photo shoot...
It was a great party and Kylie had a blast!
Kylie also had a Halloween party at school. (Although I only got a pic of her at the door...all the kids were dressed up so cute!)
I even got to go out with some friends for a fun night. We went to a "Witchapalooza" show at Gardner Village.
Before the show we walked around and saw all the fun witch decor they have out. Here are a few...

We had a great week before Halloween!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Zoo Trip with the Warnicks...

Last week Kylie and I met up with my cousin, Emily, and her two kids at the zoo. We had a blast. Kylie and Bailey are just 9 months apart and they play really cute together. It was fun to see them. And Baby Jack is getting SO BIG and is SO STINKING CUTE! He is such a good baby and really slept most of the time. He is just precious. Here are some pics from the day...
Cutie girls walking down the stairs together. It was great because not many people were there so the girls could roam a bit more.

Look at this cute thing! He is just absolutely precious!!!!

This was the CUTEST thing! This baby elephant, named Zuri, was born Aug 10th. I hadn't seen her yet and was so excited. She was smaller than I thought she would be and seriously...she is just so cute!!!!
Cousins!!! I'm so glad we live in the same state so we can hang out!
Cutie girls being forced to stop playing and take a picture together. :) Love their faces. :)
Going back to what they wanted to do....checking things out in the "wilderness" and seeing what they can find! :)
Girls posing on the tigers.
Another baby we saw...a little baby giraffe. Seriously....too much fun and so cute!!!
Kylie with one of her faves....the penguins. She loves seeing these things...and I do too! :)
The whole time the girls just wanted to go on the carousel. This is definitely a hit with the kids. They had their pic of whatever animal they wanted. Kylie wanted the giraffe and Bailey wanted to ride with her mama on the peacock. The girls actually had a little "discussion" as to what this was called before getting on. Kylie was calling it a "Merry-Go-Round" and Bay was calling it a "Carousel." They would say, "NO! It's a carousel." Then, "NO! It's a Merry-Go-Round." It was quite funny, actually. They kept going back and forth...a bit too much like adults. :)
Ky and I on the carousel!

And cutie Jack, Bay, and Em on the peacock. Love this pic!!!
We had a fun day at the zoo...then even got to take a few mins to go to lunch afterwards. It was a good day and we all had fun.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Caribbean Cruise...Videos

Here are some video's I took of Kylie while we on our cruise...

First one up is Kylie singing "Book of Mormon Stories." Kylie starts her 3 year old Primary class at church in Jan so we are trying to teach her some songs before. :) She LOVES to sing!

Next up is some more the poolside this time...

Then just some swimming around. I think she is SO CUTE just swimming. :) And I love how she keeps checking out that guy swimming in the background. She is always very aware of her surroundings and I think she just wanted to make sure he was keeping his distance. :)

And last baby girl at her own dance party. I danced with her...of course! :) ...but I didn't get a video of that...sorry! :)

Caribbean Cruise...Part 2

It was fabulous being on the cruise boat, but of course we wanted to get off when we could. We had a lot of fun seing the different sites. Most of the time when we got off the boat, we went to a local beach of some sort. Kylie LOVES the beach so of course that was what we voted to do. We tried to find beaches where we could snorkel as well, because Brian and I love to do that. We were lucky and went to some fabulous beaches. The first one we went to was on Grand Cayman. The beach was a bit rocky here, but still crystal clear waters and fun in the sun! We even got to take a tender boat to shore. (These are just smaller boats like a water taxi that take you to the big boat to the port at shore when the water is too shallow for the cruise boat to go to.)

My cutie parents on the boat.

Cutie Kylie getting all lathered in sun block. (She has such pale, porcelin like skin that we HAVE to lather her up every hour or so to keep her from getting fried.)

Playing in the water with Grandma.

Every so often Kylie needs a little break from the sun. :) Even after all that sun block...when we are out in the sun for a long time...we take her out of the sun. I just thought it was so funny we needed to get a pic of the set-up. :)

During our trip we went to the BEST beac I have EVER been to. was AMAZING! There were palm trees all over. We set up our beach chairs right under the shade of a palm tree and it was amazing!!!

I know I got some pics of us in the water, but they may be on my mom's camera. I'll have to get those and update this. :)

We took a bus about 20-30 mins to the beach, so when we were headed back to the boat...Kylie was able to have a nap. She was just precious sleeping on her Daddy's lap.The BLUEST water I have ever seen in my life was in Cozumel. OH MY GOODNESS! It looked like they just poured blue food coloring in the water. You can't even tell from the pictures, but it was AMAZING!!!We saw schools of fish just swimming in the water right off the port. (I couldn't get any pics of them, but they were all sorts of colors and I was so glad Kylie got to see them!!!)

I loved this shot. These two MASSIVE ships right next to each other. You can compare them to the people that are right beside the boats to see how massive they are.

Cutie Daddy and daughter.

When we weren't at the beaches....we weren't done with the water. :) Seriously...Kylie would be in the water ALL day every day if she could. So here are some pool pics. She loved just to have her life jacket on and swim about. It was TOO cute! Jumping to Daddy. Shortly after this...she started just jumping in by herself.

Little girl in her happy place. :)She also loved this balcony. I took this one morning. I heard her wake up, get out of bed, and open the door to the balcony. I got up and watched her and she just went over to this chair, laid down, and just stared out at the ocean. She didn't make a peep or try talking to anyone or anything. Just woke up and headed out here. She LOVED it!

Hanging with Grandma and Grandpa. And on the balcony with Daddy.

And Grandpa. Don't know where I am in all these pictures. I think I have some of our whole fam on my mom's camera, so again...I'll check and update later. :)

We found this teen room that happened to be empty. It was a "train station" theme and there was music playing. So Kylie had her own little dance party. It was too cute. :)

Our Dancing Queen! She loved this place. :)She would climb in the suitcases too and pretend to be all packed up. The green "bracelet" that she has on is one all the kids had to wear. They had to have it on the whole time as a safety percaution. It told them the "muster station" we were assigned to...where we would go as well in case she was seperated from us. To keep it from bugging her the whole time, we established it as a cool accessory. :) It was her "cruise bracelet" and she ended up loving it. :)

Hanging with Grandma

And with Daddy

The last day they had part of the crew get up on stage so we could cheer for them. They really have an amazing crew. We had SUCH a good time and really can't wait to go back!!!

Our last day, once we were off the boat and at the airport...I think we had about 8 hours to kill before our plane too off. Yeah...crazy. But as you can see...we set up camp. We had lots of stuff with us and it actually went kinda fast. Wasn't too bad at all. Good-bye cruise! Until next time! :)