Tuesday, April 15, 2008


FUNNY STORY...I realized yesterday that it's going to be an interesting experience raising a daughter. I have laughed at this story for the past 2 days.

Yesterday I was getting Kylie dressed for the day. I put her in these cute striped capri pants. No problem. Well, I went to grab her shirt, and forgot that it was in the laundry. No big deal....I'll put on these Khaki long shorts. (It was a FABULOUSLY sunny and warm day!!! I was thrilled!) Anyway: I got to put the Khaki's on and Kylie FREAKS out on me. (And she is ALWAYS a good girl when I get her dressed....never any issues!) She starts crying, "NO! NO! NO! NO!" and just throwing a fit. Fine, I'll put on these cute white pants. Same reaction. "NO! NO! NO! NO!!!" I had no idea what was wrong, but I tried one more thing. I held up these pink shorts. All of a sudden the drama stopped and her whole face lights up in a smile. She says, "OOOOHHHHH! PINK!!!" And then lifts up her foot to put her leg in. I about died and seriously, can't stop laughing. Oh boy! That's all I have to say! :) The picture of her is from yesterday, in the outfit she agreed to wear, eating candy lipstick Grandma brought her when she came. (Yes, she loves make-up too! She always wants to be around when I put my make-up on for the day and loves when I fake put it on her too.)


Mandy said...

Oh how fun to have a girl, I will just have to live it through you because that may never come to be for me :( But she does look cute!

Jill said...

that is hilarious!!!!!!! ha. all girl. you're doing great raising such an adorable little princess. lol.
love you guys

mbrown9 said...

Well, it is a good thing that you are so girly!!!! I can see where she gets it from. Love you Sis!!!

Brenda said...

That was splendid. Seriously, I can't wait for that. Girls rule!

Kathy Rose said...

I love pink for girls!!! I had to try really hard this year to buy my girls a different color besides pink. I thought I did really good and when I got all of their clothes hung up...they were all pink. :) So I had to go out and buy them each a blue shirt. Girls just look too cute in pink! Kylie is just adorable!! She's almost two...right? It goes by so fast.

KT said...

Girly girl! I'm afraid I'm going to have a total tom-boy because I am so girly, and I put my mom threw hell when I was growing up. I REFUSED to wear pants until I was about 10 years old. I HAD to have a dress on and my hair HAD to be curled or I would hide under my bed and cry. I would love a girly girl, but I have a feeling she's going to want to wear blue sweat pants and have her hair cut real short. Oh well. Let's trade.

Emily said...

My friend Michelle's daughter is into being pretty and wearin dresses...So fun!!! Bay likes to do things I do and wear jewelry, but other than that she is mostly a rag-a-muffin! :)

Lindsay said...

She sounds like my dream child! Girly! Loves pink and make-up! What could be better! Cute post!

darce said...

That sounds very familiar! Get used to it!:) I love that pic of Brian and Kylie! So sweet.