Friday, April 25, 2008

And my very fave...

This is one of my most fave pictures EVER! :) I meant to post this right after I posted the other wedding photos, but Kylie got sick of me being on the computer and wouldn't let me. :) So I am now getting around to it. I thought this photos needed it's own dedicated post! Isn't this picture amazing! I just LOVE it! I was in the middle of a conversation and saw these two together, ran and got my camera, and hurried to take the shot before the moment was over. I am so in love with both of them! Brian was out of town at the beginning of the week for work, and I just missed him SO MUCH! I couldn't wait for him to come home. Then Kylie and I were driving home today, I looked in my rearview mirror to see her, and tears welled up in my eyes. I said a quick prayer of gratitude for my little angel baby...I love her SO MUCH! I love this daddy/daughter duo! And while I'm being mushy....I am so thankful for MY Daddy to give me the example of what a dad should be like! I will always cherish my relationship with my daddy! And no matter how old I get....he's my daddy! :)


Mandy said...

What a proud mommy/wife moment :)

Brenda said...

Okay stop it!!! Enough with the tear jerkers! Very sweet picture. Remember the one you took of Trevor and Preston walking down the street. It's still on my mantle, and I'm staring at it right now. I love how Trevor's looking down at Pres. Precious.

Jill said...

You are too cute!
Aboslutely PRECIOUS. You guys are awesome parents.

Lindsay said...

You should blow this picture up and put it on your wall! It's so cute!!! Very sweet post! I hope I have a little girl so I can take cute daddy/ daughter duo pictures like this one!

Michelle said...

AMAZING picture!!! Love it...and it brought tears to my eyes!