Saturday, May 17, 2008

Our FIRST Zoo Trip!!!!

Yesterday was a fabulous "Fun Family Activity" day! (Hi Amy! :) ) Brian took work off so we could go to the zoo together as a family. Since none of us had been to Hogle Zoo yet, we wanted to go all together as a family. Brian and I have been so excited all week, just knowing that Kylie would love it. She LOVES animals! And she did love it. So much. When we saw the elephants, or "lphnt" as Kylie says it, she was in awe. Then she says, "more, more!" and starts tromping off. Like she just couldn't see everything fast enough. She would barely pause for me to even take a picture. :) It was fun...and PERFECT weather!!! It was sunny and warm, but still a nice breeze in the air. We went to the park afterwards, and that is when it got HOT! Kylie didn't even want to go down the slides because they were too hot. We had a great family day and I'm SO THANKFUL for my family!!! Thanks for the great Mother's Day gift Babe, and thanks for being such a fun, FABULOUS daughter Baby Girl! I LOVE YOU BOTH SO MUCH!!!
Daddy and Kylie looking at the monkeys. Kylie LOVES monkeys!
Kylie LOVED the Lion water fountains. She liked to play in the water, and wanted to get up top. She kept going around behind him too. It was pretty cute. :)
Kylie and her Daddy sure had fun at the zoo! :) I swear...I was there too! :) But since I'm the only one that picks up the camera to actually take a picture....I don't get in any of them. Would someone else talk to Brian about that, please?! :) He won't listen to me!
My big girl going off to explore on her own. I can't believe she's almost 2. Uh-oh! Here come the tears. How do you stop them growing so fast?! Someone have an answer?!
So...these are the only pics I can manage to get with my daughter...the ones I try to take myself. And she doesn't like it much, so she hides her face. And funny story...she got these glasses in this doctor's toy that she got for Christmas. She LOVES to wear them. I think she looks like Harry Potter in them. :)


Michelle said...

So fun!!! And good job Brian on a good Mother's Day gift. Kylie is so so cute. :)

Mandy said...

It looked like it was fun, but it sure was hot that day!

KT said...

Warren and I went to the Zoo here in Florida with his parents when they were in town. He tried to get me to touch a stingray. I wouldn't do it. As much as I try, I can't help but think animals are gross. Just thinking about them is giving me the urge to wash my hands. Blech.

Jill said...

Sooooooo fun. What an awesome family day. Those are the best...cherished memories forever!!!

Brenda said...

That girl is too much! I can't believe she's turning 2! My first born is about to be 7! Yikes! Sorry, I have no advice on stunting their growth. I'm with you though, it goes way too fast! We're coming in July for 10 days. We HAVE to get together!

Jill said...

HOW FUN! I want to go there!!!!!! Guess what we may come down this weekend (hopefully you get this soon) Carlos wants to see his brother! Anyways I want to see you too! So do you have plans this Friday evening?