Sunday, October 19, 2008

Zoo (and more) Day!!

Brian took the day off on Friday for a FUN FAMILY DAY! Brian's parents were suppose to come visit us the end of this week and into next week and Brian had scheduled the time off. We found out his parents weren't able to make it, but he decided to take Friday off anyway so we could have some fun family time. We decided to take Kylie to the zoo. We told her all about it the night before and it was ALL she could talk about. She would walk around listing animals she was going to see. It was so cute. We'd hear her say, "Giraffe, Elephant, Lion," and on and on. Then she got mad that she wasn't going right then. She wasn't happy we weren't going bye-bye at bedtime! :) So we got her up in the morning, got ready, and headed out. It was a BEAUTIFUL day and Kylie LOVED her time there! After the zoo, we went back to our house for a quick nap for Kylie (while her parents wished they could take one too! :) ) and then woke her up and headed back out. Brian found new friends through an organization he's been involved with at work and they have had us over a few times to play games. So we went there Friday night. It's really fun and Kylie even was really good this time. She even played with other kids!!! (Anyone that knows Kylie knows she is pretty clingy to Brian and I and doesn't really enjoy playing with other kids she doesn't know. Once she knows them and feels comfortable with them...she's great. But she is pretty cautious at first.) So it was a fun day and night for all of us! Here are some photos to document our journey...

The first stop was to see the monkeys. She got SO EXCITED! She would watch them for a minute and then turn around to look at one of us and just laugh. She didn't want to leave this place at all! ...

As a parent, one of the things I LOVE is being able to show my daughter new things. So things like the zoo are so much fun because she gets to see all sorts of new things. We have seen zebra's in books we have and stuff, so when we showed her the zebra she knew what they were right away and said "ZEBRA!". It was so fun for her (and for us to see her!) to see them in real life. She got so excited!

(Yet again...I'm the one that takes the pics so it seems that it was just Brian and Kylie at the zoo. :) I was there! I promise! :) )
When we saw the elephants, Kylie tried to act like them. She puts her hand around her nose and makes this sound that I guess is what she thinks they do when they lift their trunk. It's so funny.

And here is my FAVE picture from the day. She would cover her mouth with her hand and just laugh! I think this PICTURE is SO DARLING!!! Her whole face is all lit up and I love it!
Kylie did have some fun moments with both her parents today and HEY! We did get a picture with mom! :) (After handing Dad the camera and saying, "Here...take a picture of Kylie and I please." :) )
So Kylie kept saying, "Go find Lion! Go find Lion!" We thought she really just wanted to see a lion so we were off to try to find her one. Little did we know, this is what she wanted. She remembered these from when we were here before....
She just needed a drink of water! :)
And our self-portrait for the day! I always hate having people stop what they are doing to take a picture of us. Especially when they are trying to take care of their own kids. : ) So I took a self portrait. Too bad it didn't turn out well. At least we are all together and that's what counts, right?! :)
By the end of the day....Miss Clingy to her parents turned in to Miss Independent. She was leading Brian and I around. I didn't let her go far from us AT ALL (of course) but it was fun to let her take the lead and take us just where she wanted to go. :) I just have to say....ISN'T SHE SO CUTE?! :) (Sorry....can't help it!!)
Hope you all had great weekends as well!


Sharalea said...

I LOVE family fun days, and I love the excitement of going to the ZOO! Looks like you had a great time, and Kylie is growing so FAST!

Michelle said...

SO cute!!! Can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks. I can't believe how big Kylie is.

♥ Kristy Woods ♥ said...

Gorgeous, looks like all 3 of you had a great day!

Brenda said...

That's so cute! She really is so precious!

Sherri said...

Fun...we love the zoo. Halle's school class is headed there this Friday...trying to decide if I want to go with 60 1st graders...

amber said...

How fun! I love the zoo and can't wait to take G there. You're right it's so fun showing your children new things.

Brandi said...

Cute Ashley! This is my first time seeing your blog. Your little girl has gotten so big. She's darling! How are you guys?