Sunday, October 12, 2008

Happy Birthday, Sophie!

Ok...I feel SO bad that I haven't posted lately. I had no idea it's been so long! Wowsers! I'll be better!

I wanted to post some photos, but I do apologize for the quality. I totally forgot my camera yesterday, so we used Brian's Blackberry's camera. But we went to Sophie's birthday party yesterday and it was so cute! She turned 3 and it was a cupcake birthday party. It was at a cute cupcake store called So Cupcakes in SLC. The kids each got to decorate (and eat!) 2 mini cupcakes, opened presents, and got a cute party favor from the store at the end. It's Sophie's birthday today so HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOPHIE!!!

When we got there, we saw a ton of birds in the parking lot. This is Kylie running off to chase them. She LOVES them and tries to catch them. She loves how when she runs for them, they all fly away in a big flutter. She laughs and laughs and wants to do it again. :)

These are Kylie's cupcakes with Daddy helping her to put the frosting on them. Of course she wanted pink frosting. :) She's very serious about her frosting. (That was actually the only party she would eat. She would lick it all off and then bring the cupcake back to Brian or me to frost again.)

Birthday girl in her cute cupcake birthday dress. She even has a cupcake necklace on. Too cute!

I was trying to get her to take a bite of the actual cupcake. She mostly just got frosting and preferred that anyway! :)

Adding some sprinkles.

Checking it out trying to see exactly where the most frosting is on the cupcake. :)

I LOVE YOU KYLIE! You are too funny! :)


♥ Kristy Woods ♥ said...

Oh how cute! I want a cupcake party! When I come to visit you can take me to the cupcake party place lol. Love the new background very cool!

Emily said...

CUTE--Happy bb-day Sophie!