Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Grandma Fun!

This post is back-tracking a bit. Brian's mom came out to stay with Kylie when we went to Hawaii. She was SO NICE to come for SUCH a long time! She even came out a few days before so we could spend some time with her before we left! If she was coming all this way...we wanted to hang with her too! :) She came in Thursday night, so we had Friday and Saturday with her. Friday we decided to take her to do one of Kylie's favorite things. We went to the ZOO!!! We were so excited, and we even had more family coming with us! My aunt, Jan, and her husband, Doug. Then my cousin, Emily, and her daughter, Bailey. Brian even took the day off so we could all spend some time together. Well....Kylie woke up WAY TOO early! It was like 6am. So by the time we got to the zoo, she was EXHAUSTED. So it was somewhat of a bust. It was still fun to see the animals, but Kylie wasn't very cooperative. :) We still had a good day....we just weren't able to stay as long as we hoped. :) We always have to start at Kylie's favorite thing...the monkey's. She LOVES watching the little guys jump all around. Didn't get any in this photo...but this is how she watches them. :)
Here is Jan, Doug, and Bailey checking out the monkey. Emily insisted on not getting in the photo...but take my word for it....she is ONE CUTE pregnant gal! :)
Brian and I posing for a shot. Not the best pic, but hey! We actually got a pic together so better post it! :) (Since I'm usually the one taking all the photos we don't get a lot of pics together that aren't self-portrait shots. :) ) Brian, Kylie, Bailey, and Doug all watching the rhinos. (Thanks Jan for this pic! :))

Usually Kylie is running around like crazy at the zoo. Today....she mostly wanted to ride in the stroller. Here she is taking a break for a snack too. :)
Bri, Ella (Brian's mom), Kylie, and I all together.
Our last stop was the carousel. Kylie LOVES this ride! She loves giraffe's too....so I made sure to get her on one. The one that actually goes up and down too! She so stinking cute. :) This was her fave part of the day, I have to say. :)
Here we go at trying to get a pic together. Yes....another poor self-portrait try! :)
And the two spectators watching us go around and around.
We did have a fun day but wish we could have stayed longer!


Brenda said...

What a fun day, despite being sleep deprived:) I keep trying to convince my kids that sleeping in is a good thing!

Emily said...

Cute pics! Thanks for lying and saying I am a cute pregnant girl! I know I am not--but who cares, right!? Can't wait to go to the zoo with you guys again!!!And yes, have you stay longer! When we went on TUES the time flew by and we were there for a long time!