Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Happy Easter!

A little late in posting this, but we had a great Easter! We got up and got all ready for church. We have church at 9am, and I knew we wouldn't be able to do the Easter basket stuff before church. So when we got home we found out that SURPRISE!!! The Easter bunny had come to visit! He even left some eggs filled with yummy treats for Kylie to find. She found all of them, and they led her to her Easter basket! She had fun going through everything in there. She took out every last piece of "fluff" in the basket to make sure she found every last thing. :) Then we had lunch and nap time for a little bit. After that, we had PJ time and just spent the rest of the day out in the sun playing. It was a great family day!

After church I tried to get a picture of her, but she just didn't want to look at me...

Kylie finding her first egg of treats...

After church we had our own little photo shoot in our yard...

Being silly Kylie while Mom is trying to get her to smile...

Sweet baby girl and her Daddy...

Playing outside with her car that she got last Easter and playing with bubbles. WE LOVE THE SUN!!! :)

I hope all of you had a great Easter!!!!


Emily said...

She is so cute! Love her dress! Want to see you guys again soon! Love ya!

Jill said...

She is so dang cute. She is a porcelain doll!!!

Aubrie said...

She is BEAUTIFUL! Love the dress!