Monday, April 27, 2009


I love spring time! I hate when Utah skips Spring because it's the best! We have had a few fun Spring days this year, in between the snow and rain that keeps returning! This weekend was fun because my parents were here! They came in last week, and just left today. We miss them already! Kylie loves family time and it's so much fun to see her interact with everyone. Matt even came up and spent a few days with us. On one of those sunny spring days, we played outside for a bit. Here are some fun pics...

Kylie loves to sit in her little chair and catch some of the sun's warm rays...Fun Uncle Matt thought that she was having too much fun without him so he had to join her!...
Then Matt got bored and had to see what other fun they could have with the chair...

He spun her around and around and around. Clearly they both loved it...
Kylie LOVES her Uncle Matty. She gets SO EXCITED whenever he comes around! And who wouldn't?! He's super fun! I just wish he would give us all a turn and spin/throw/flip/etc. us all like he does Kylie! :) After all that spinning...Kylie had to take a break, sit with Grandpa, and try on his shades! :)


Emily said...

THose are cute pics! Matt kinda looked like Carson in some of those pics! Love you guys!

Macy Perrone said...

i love love looooove spring too! why does it always seem it's the shortest season of the year? we had a couple good days & now the humidity is coming...yuck!

love the EASTER togs on your little princess! she is tooo cute!! i totally miss YOUR face!!!

♥ Kristy Woods ♥ said...

JUst gorgeous Ashley

residentialgeothermalariconditioning said...

It's been a long time since I've been to blogland! So much to catch up on! Happy spring!

Hope said...

Ashley, I miss you. Call me one of these days!