Saturday, April 11, 2009

It's Potty Time!!!

Well what have we been doing the past few weeks?! Why yes....we have FINALLY been potty training! We had some set backs getting started. I was about to start her right around Christmas time, but she broke her arm. That put us back a bit. Then we went out of town a few times and all of that....and we just now finally had a few weeks in a row to dedicate to it. We are going out of town the end of this month, so I wanted to make sure we had done it by then. I just have to say, and then I will show you a few fun pics, that Kylie has done WONDERFUL! We really have only had a few accidents all together. (However....big HOWEVER here....she still wears a diaper to bed so I am SURE we will have lots of accidents when that happens. We are in the process of getting her big girl bed all ready so we can start that process. :) ) But she does such a good job. I have found that if we explain things to her before they happen, she really does well with change. She just needs to know what to expect. :) Anyway: today was the longest we had been gone from the house since we started, and I had extra clothes with us just in case. Didn't need them at all! She told us every time she had to go to the potty and she did GREAT! Ok...this is all more info than anyone reading this cares to know, but I want to record this for us too. :) On to some pics...

Both of those first two are from the first day we started. She basically sat on her pink potty all I finally brought it out of the bathroom so she could watch her shows. :) She went quite a bit this first day. She had an accident or two the little bit she wasn't sitting on the potty, but she seriously sat here most of the day. She became a bit more adventurous as time went on and would actually leave her potty. :) I think this was the 2nd or 3rd day after we started. This is how she ran around the house for pants. :) We had a lot of fun playing around the house and just focusing on Mommy and Kylie time. Here was a try at a self portrait. I actually am shocked Kylie is actually looking at the camera!

Anyway: it's been almost 2 full weeks now and she is doing great. I'm so proud of her. She just keeps growing up so fast!


Emily said...

I love that last picture of the 2 of yoU! Good Job Kylie...learning to use the potty!!! Bay is STILL struggling with getting #2 in the potty! So frustrating. It is so fun, huh?

♥ Kristy Woods ♥ said...

How adorable! Sounds liek she is doing great!

amber said...

I dread those days! :) But way to go Kylie!