Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Kylie starts Preschool on THURSDAY!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I'm so anxious about it. I keep having weird dreams about her and I think it's because I'm so anxious about her leaving. I know, I know. She will go for four hours a week total...two hours for two days a week...it isn't a big deal. BUT STILL!!! She is my only child and I'M NOT READY!!! But I know she is. So that is why I'm trying to be a big girl and let her branch out a bit. Anyway: the reason this is being brought up now is because today we went to her Open House today. She got to meet her teacher, see the other kids in her class, and kinda check things out. I'm so glad they do this. I think this will help things. :) For both of us. :) She's so excited and can't wait to go. I think it will be so good socially for her. Anyway....I didn't get any pictures taken today of her at school, but I snapped a few of her at home.

Oh my dear, Kylie! I LOVE YOU! You are growing up SO FAST!!!!