We also went to Temple Square while the Smith family was visiting us. It was a lot of fun. Temple Square is so beautiful and I love going there. We also toured the Conference Center. It was fun to show the kids all these cool things and see how excited they were to see them. Before we even stepped too far from the car, they had to stop and play...
There is a big Christus statue in one of the Visitor's Center on Temple Square and it was great to take the kids up there to see it. I love the peaceful feeling that is in that room.

We actually got all the kids together in one picture...

Here is a beautiful shot of the Temple and I love the American Flag there as well...

Cutie cousins holding hands...

More cutie cousins holding hands...

It was so much fun seeing the cousins together. All of the Smith kids were SO GREAT with Kylie and they had so much fun being together.
I loved getting to see my nieces and nephews as well. Here is sweet baby Cienna, and Kylie not too sure about what is going on. :)

Sweetie Kylie gazing at the temple...

Here is the whole Smith clan...

Now...for me to get this everyone in this picture as well as the whole temple...I had to be a bit creative. I was laying down on the ground and it was quite funny the positions I had to make sure I got every one. Well...we had quite a good time laughing at me, and then when we finally got a few shots...the kids decided to come attack me. :) (In a fun way.) It was too cute and I was able to get a picture of Kenny and Kirsti coming to get me. :)

We had a great day with the Smith's and had so much fun visiting Temple Square!
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