The day has arrived. My daughter is starting her MANY years of SCHOOLING! I can't believe it. Makes me SAD!!! Seriously...WHERE DOES THE TIME GO?!?! (I'm sure I'll be saying that many times in my lifetime!) This morning started out early. At about midnight last night I was laying in bed and remembered, "SHE NEEDS A BACKPACK!!!" So got up earlier than originally planned so we had time to grab her one before school. I had to wake her up this morning too, and she did NOT want to get up. So I started telling her that we were going to get ready to go to preschool. She got a bit of a smile on her face. Then I told her that we were going to go get a backpack for her first and her smile got even bigger. It was so cute. :) Here she is on the way to school...

Does this look like a face that is ready to start SCHOOL YET??!?!

Then here she is at her classroom door. SUCH a big kid!!!!

Right when you first get there, they have puzzles at each seat. (There are 16 kids total in her class.) Kinda helps them have something to focus on as the parents all leave. Kylie loves puzzles so she was excited.

Here she is with her teacher, Miss Ali. She's darling.

Then this is as I'm leaving I snap one last picture....and she could not have CARED LESS that I was leaving. I was able to hold my tears until I got in to my car, and then I'm not going to was TOUGH. I cried a bit the whole way home and then when I pulled in to my garage, I saw a caterpillar on the driveway. I cried more. (She LOVES to find caterpillars and she wasn't there to see it with me!!! What's a mom to do?!!) Then I walked in to an empty house and it was SO SAD and just kinda lost it a bit! I know...I know...I was being a bit dramatic. But SERIOUSLY...she has been my LIFE these past three years! It's been just her and I all day, every day! Change is hard, give me a break! :) I couldn't wait to go pick her up. And when I got there, this is what I got to see...

Seriously...HOW CUTE IS SHE?!?!? :) I wanted to peek in on her a bit before she saw me so I could see how she was doing. But she saw me the second I walked to her classroom door, and she yelled, "MOMMY!" and RAN to me! How could I resist THAT?!? That was THE BEST!!! :)

Then I wanted to take her picture out in the hallway. Another mom was doing the same thing and Kylie runs over to them and says, "I want to get in too!" She wanted to get in their first day pictures. :) I think she's going to do just fine. Then I decided to take her to lunch to celebrate her first day. She picked a local burger joint here so that is where we went...

She sat in the booth across from me and just chatted away and told me stories about her first day. I asked her after she told me a few things how preschool really was and she says, "Mom, I already told you!" She is getting TOO old! But she loves it and was so excited to go back. :) I couldn't ask for more than that.

And then the whole rest of the day she wouldn't take her backpack off. She would fill it up with her fave toys of the moment and carry it around with her wherever she went. She is so cute and I'm happy today went as well as it did. GOOD LUCK KYLIE! I wish you the best year!!!
That was the sweetest post! I can't believe how much she loved her first day of pre-school! Such a social butterfly. What I want to see are the pics of mom on Kylie's first day of school. How funny would the self portrait of you crying in the car be? I KID!!! I had to laugh and cry a little myself! I can't imagine sending Alan to school (even if he is a little monster sometimes). Great job on the last minute backpack - it's super cute and even matches the outfit.
I am glad her first day went well, even as hard as it was for you, it is good she had a good experience. That truly makes all the difference!!
Loved your story! I always cry when the kids go to school. Time for another little Kylie! She is so stinking cute. I still think she looks like your mom as a little girl! Love you! Kim and Danny
Awww sweet little Ashley, I cried with you as I read this :(. Glad she had a fabulous first day. Wish I didnt live so far away! I would come over and keep u company.
Kylie is such a beautiful girl! It's amazing at how grown up they can seem after one day of school! Congratulations on getting through your first day. It is also amazing at how fast you get used to having a little bit of time to yourself.
So glad she did well....I am going to be a mess when Bay has to go...I think it is so sad--but Bay will love it, too. love those pics of Kylie!
I can't believe it! She is growing up way too fast! What a sweet little face she has. We need to come see you guys. And you know you're welcome to stay here anytime. We would love to see you guys!
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