Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Stopping to smell the roses....

Wow....this February has been busy. Sorry it's been so long since I have posted! So much going on. Busy weeks, friends in town, Valentine's Day, a 20-month old that runs around like crazy, and on and all leads to not much time for other things! :) I have lots of pictures that I will hopefully get posted as the weeks go by. I just had two former college roommates come visit me this past weekend. (one from CO and one from NJ) and we had a BLAST! I got to go shopping, see TWO movies (I doubled the amount of movies I had been to since I had a child in one weekend! :) ), ate yummy food, got to do a little stamping, chatting, ate more food, and just had a blast! Thanks Tara and Margret for coming to visit! What a FABULOUS time! Thank, Brian, for taking over at home so that I could have the time to play! You are AMAZING!!!
Anyway: I got these beautiful flowers for Valentine's Day from Margret and her mom, and Kylie fell in love with them yesterday. She loved smelling them, kept wanting to touch them, and just be near them. She reminded me that sometimes you have to take a few moments to stop and take the time to notice the small things in life! So we both did! I love this little girl! Have I said that before? :) Brian had a dinner meeting last night for work, so we got to spend the whole day together. I am so lucky to have her as my daughter and to be able to stay at home with her every day! I wouldn't want to be anywhere else! LOVE YOU KYLIE!!!! You're the BEST!!!!
Have I mentioned lately that I love this little girl with all my heart?! :)
Have I mentioned lately that she is SO SMART too?! :)


Mandy said...

Those are pretty roses, how fun. So what movies did you see?

Emily said...

Those are really pretty roses! Kylie looks so cute smelling the roses!!! I tried to get Bay to smell the roses that Bryson sent me and she either licked them, or blew air out of her nose--kinda funny! Yeah, what movies did you see? I need a night out! I need to go to a movie!!! It has been forever!!! :) We need to do the double date thing!

Brenda said...

So, do you like her? I can't tell. She's pretty cute! And, I have to say, a lucky girl to have such a fantastic mommy:)

KT said...

I love to hear you say how much you love Kylie! It's so sweet, and it makes me a little less SCARED OUT OF MY MIND to have this baby I'm toting around in my engorging belly. Also, I came across another scrapebooking site and my first thought was "Whatever, that's not Stampin' Up, it's just some stupid competitor who sucks, and I'll only buy from Ashley." I'm not kidding. Then I laughed when I realized how loyal I've become to your company because YOU have been the ONE AND ONLY person to get me excited about scrapebooking. You really are changing the world one peice of mauve card stock at a time. Now, bring that cute kid of yours and come to Florida so we can all go to Disney World!

Christy said...

Okay Ashley, I have a favor to ask you. I tried to make a card like that one you did with the circle punch and turning it into a beautiful flower. Well, my flower started out wilting, and never had a chance! Would you mind explaining to me how you did it? If it's a trade secret that you'd rather not share, I understand. Just thought I'd ask. Also, I can't believe how much your daughter looks like Brian! You guys have such a beautiful happy family!