Friday, February 29, 2008

Well, sorry it's been so long since I've posted. I have had about 3 sicknesses all wrapped up into one this past week. So I've had a lot of downtime, and not getting a lot done time. That doesn't leave much time for blogging! :) I'm still pretty sick, but trying to get better. I am so ready to be a 100% mom and wife again...and I'm SO DONE with winter! I'm ready for SPRING! :) Anyway: I'm trying to get better fast because we are going to Denver, CO tomorrow...and our flight leaves at 6am. Yeah, the early flight is not fun, but what can you do? Brian has meetings for work there this week and Kylie and I didn't want to be left alone for a few days and it was perfect that he was traveling where my family lives! So...we are going with and getting some family time in! We'll get to see grandparents, uncles, an aunt, cousins, and friends! We're excited...if only I could feel better!!!! When I get back, I'll get back on the blog bandwagon and post more! Hope you are all doing fabulous and have a great weekend/week! :)


Macy Perrone said...

we're warm here in houston, come visit!

Jill said...

Have fun!!!!!!!!! Glad you can get away for awhile. Too bad it's just as cold there though :)
Tell the fam hello!

Brenda said...

Have fun in CO and tell your family hello for me! It's 75-80 degrees here (hint, hint). Love ya!

KT said...

Ever say to yourself "I am so done with winter. I am so ready spring." If this sounds familiar, Florida is the perfect solution for you! Sunny, warm, birds signing...bees (it can't all be perfect). Sounds like you need to COME TO FLORIDA.

jan said...

You get better and tell my sister hi for me and come back with lots of pictures.

Christy said...

Hope you're enjoying Colorado. Daisy and I are going the end of this month to visit some friends and I can't wait! We're going to hit the Denver Zoo, so I'm way excited. My email address is Thanks Ashley!