Sunday, August 24, 2008

Another reason I love summer...

(yes...yes...this is our ACTUAL tomato! Isn't she pretty! :) )

WE GOT OUR FIRST RED TOMATO OF THE YEAR!!!! Now this might not be exciting for some of you, but it is for us! :) We tried a garden last year and just didn't put the work into it that we needed to. So we didn't get much. But this year, we had our garden boxes built, put in top soil, got things actually planted, we visit it every day (or most days), we weed, etc, etc. So.....we want some good stuff from it, right?! Well....we've had squash, zucchini, some peppers, peas, and string beans. And we have watched the tomato's growing. They just have stayed green. Well....on Saturday Brian went to the garden and found OUR FIRST RED TOMATO!!!! (I will say...I love everything we grow in our garden but tomato's are my FAVORITE thing to grow yourself and eat fresh. I think this is one that taste's TOTALLY different than what you can buy at stores.) We were so excited so of course had to document the experience.
So here we are both taking our first bite. I love them plain, but for this first bite we had some cracker and cheese with it. Yum-Yum! was delicious. This is all that was left after we finished. Brian even had fun with the top of the tomato. We got as much out of it as we could. We have a lot more green ones on the vine that should be ripe soon. Come visit us and we'll give you some! :)
A side note: while we were trying our tomato, Kylie had to have a popsa-popsa-Popsicle.
So more documentation. HOW CUTE is she with a messy face?! :)
I love this girl! :)


Sherri said...

Yeah! Okay so now that I have your blog, I can check out the pics! So cute! Your garden (a few posts) down is awesome. Great job! We got tomatoes coming out our ears. I don't have a pressure cooker to can them either...what to do!? Your tomato looks great though!

♥ Kristy Woods ♥ said...

mmm Nice tomatoes! Your daughter is gorgeous!

Emily said...

YUM! Those are really cute pics of kylie!!! You need to frame that one of her with the popsicle face and her arms up on the table with the big smile! Cute! Good to see you yesturday! Thanks for coming down! Love ya

KT said...

Kylie has the right idea; forget the tomato, go for the popsicle!

Also, I always wanted my wedding reception at a water park. I'm 97% jealous of your friend. Okay, 100%.

brandi said...

Yummy-looking tomato! I would choose that over a popsa-popsa-popsicle any day!

Jill said...

Nasty!!!!!!!!! I hate tomato's...but props for making it. That is awesome, I need to figure out how to garden. That is awesome!!

Lindsay said...

Wow, I'm impressed! I've been meaning to start a vegetable garden but it itimidates me a little bit! You'll have to teach me how!