Monday, November 24, 2008

Giving the Gift of Life

This is one amazing story. In honor of Thanksgiving week, this was just on the 10:00 news. If you need an inspiring and touching story, grab some tissues and watch this video clip. Jeremy and Amanda are good friends of mine and we all happened to be working together when this happened. They are such amazing people and by watching them go through this trial in their life, I was strengthened. They are amazing people and I know I am a better person for knowing them. My heart goes out to them and it always will! (I love you guys!)

This story makes me cry bucket fulls already...and then I cry even more because I know how an organ donation can change your life. I have been on the receiving end (when my Dad received his liver transplant) of an organ donation and it's amazing the sacrifice that it obviously is. I will be eternally grateful for the liver my Dad received.

Anyway: watch this video clip and get ready to cry. It's so touching and well worth your time.


♥ Kristy Woods ♥ said...

oh my gosh thats soo sad! Big hugs

Brenda said...

I'm not even going to go there because I know this story and it kills me every time! They are truly amazing people though! Have a happy Thanksgiving!

Megan said...

I should have listened to the many warnings to get my kleenex! I had seen Jeremy and Amandas story before on the news (trying to make people aware of checking behind their cars) and so to hear of something so great coming from such a sad time, is such good news. I hope that came out right. :) I can't even imagine the emotions they went/are going through.

Ok, I'll stop now. :)

Jill said...

I know you've told me this story before, but it still cuts me to the core. AMAZING. I can't stop crying. Thanks for sharing!! Amanda had a baby girl soon after, right? Any more kids? Beautiful families.

Heather said...

Ashley thank you so much for posting this on your blog! I absolutley adore Jeremy and Amanda.

Brandi said...

Wow, what an incredible gift. I saw this story was going to on the news but then I missed it. I'm glad you posted it here. Thanks for sharing. It definitely made me cry and, of course, I have no Kleenex. Anyway, thanks for sharing such a touching story, Ash! BTW, how is your dad doing?

Emily said...

I think that is what makes organ donation so takes a tragic and terribly sad situation and turns it into life and happiness for someone else. Everyone EVERYONE should be an organ doner! (did I spell that right? looks funny)

KT said...

That story is so amazing! Oh my gosh, I can't stop kissing my baby and crying.

Aubrie said...

Ashley! I couldn't believe it when I watched this story, but I know Bealy's father. We grew up together in the same town and our two best friend's in junior high went out for a while. It is such a sweet story! Thanks for posting as I can't watch the local news here in MN : )

Aubrie said...

As I watched this again I remember this little boy's picture as this happened when we were both at BF and you told me the story. It really touched my heart! What a small world!