Monday, December 8, 2008

Jazz Fun Time...

It's that time of year again! Brian gets tickets to the Jazz game for he and his team so they can take clients. Last Wednesday we went to the game for our first game of the season. We like going "suite" style because you have your own private room with seats that give you a great view of the full court. You have your OWN bathroom, you don't have to fight the crowds, they feed you yummy food and dessert, etc, etc. Brian and I both comment that we just would not enjoy games anymore if we had to go sit in "regular" seats. :) Sorry, we've been spoiled. :) Anyway...we usually find a babysitter for Kylie, but we ended up taking her tonight. I was a bit worried about it because it's a "work event" but I guess sometimes it pays to be the boss. :) Brian was excited to take her. I thought she would love it, and she did. It was hilarious watching her. We got there and she walked right out to the seats and just watched intently at all that was going on on the court. (It was just set up and then warm up time at this point.) Then when the game started she was totally into it. She would not take her eyes off it and she would TOTALLY cheer whenever everyone else did. It was so cute! :)
The Delta center.....I mean Energy Solutions Arena (I'm still boycotting that name...I think it sounds dumb)....had all these trees lit up for Christmas. Kylie LOVES seeing Christmas lights so had to snap a pic of her standing amongst them. :) Isn't she precious!

This is the scene that captivated her attention from the beginning. Nothing too exciting going on, but she loved it. Little did she know how exciting it was going to get! :)
She made herself right at home. :) She would rotate between the seats intended for game watching and the seats intended for eating some snacks. :) Too cute she is! :)
The best Mommy/Kylie picture I got. :) Yeah....I really gotta work on getting Brian to take some pictures of us. :) Kylie, of course, loved eating some ice cream towards the end of the evening!
It was a great evening. We had a lot of fun and am so glad that I got family time the whole night!


Brenda said...

Yeah, us regular Joe Plummer types sit in the cheap seats! We've taken Preston to a couple of games and he liked it, until the 60 year old grandma (who was a Jazz fan) started using the F bomb at the Lakers (who Trevor is a fan of). I think the "suite" life would be just that...sweet!

jan said...

Kylie is so beautiful and getting so grown up!