Sunday, November 18, 2007

I've Been Tagged....

Thank Em for tagging me! I am not good at this either, but I'm doing it for you! So hope others enjoy! :)

6 facts/habits about me:

1. I have been skydiving twice in my life. I one day want to become a certified skydiver so I can jump out of a plane whenever and wherever I want!!!

2. I am not sure if this is a habit or just a big obsession, but I am obsessed with anything Stampin' Up! What started out as a creative outlet for me, has now become a full blown obsession! I love that it gives me an outlet in my hectic life as a mother/wife and I love all the fun things you can do. I love stamping and using the left side of my brain on a regular basis!

3. I'm in love! I am super in love with both my husband and my daughter! My daughter is my angel and I look in her face and am still shocked at her beauty! She's stunning! She makes me laugh all day and I love her determination! My husband is so incredible and does so much for our family! He is such a great provider, in all aspects of our life. My fave times in life are our family times, and watching him play with Kylie.

4. I have a big habit or checking email. If I am home, I constantly check email as I am running around the house with Kylie, and I love getting new email. (I also love comments on my blog...hint, hint!) This blogging thing has turned out to be quite fun too!

5. I AM SO EXCITED TO MOVE INTO MY NEW HOUSE!!!! Hopefully all goes well and we have our house close/record on Wednesday so we can move in that night. If anyone wants to come up to Kaysville Wed night to help us unload, we'd love to have you! :) But I have loved the process of watching our house be built and can't wait to move in. We saw it as an overgrown lot, to the hole being built, foundation poured, framing up, and all the finishing touches. It's been a blast to pick everything out and see it all come together. We've been doing this for a long time, so I am THRILLED we are almost done!!!

6. I love tropical places. From the time I was little, I have always loved the water. I was never afraid of the waves on the beach, or jumping into the deep end of the pool or anything. I could swim all day if given the option. So my goal is to visit every tropical island that appeals to me before I die. :) I went on my honeymoon to Jamaica, and fell in love with that place. But I don't know if I can go back until I have visited more! Ok.....I could....I just want to see more places. And maybe one day have a vacation home on a tropical island.

I think I am suppose to tag other people by name, but instead....I'm tagging everyone! If you read this, you are "tagged" and I would love to read on your blogs 6 habits or facts about you!!! So get going!


Jill said...

Fun info Ash!! I can't think of anything to put on mine.
Good luck moving in. Where are you going for Tday? Is your fam coming out?
I sure miss ya :)

Mandy said...

You are good, those tag things just make my brain hurt, at least that one anyways, I am always up for no brainers :)

Emily said...

Aww, remember when I went skydiving with you and I had a cold! ha ha...that was fun though! Thanks Ash! It was fun reading yours!