Monday, June 30, 2008

So You Think You Can Dance...

So...we're a bit behind in our DVR and we just now watched last week's "So You Think You Can Dance" episode. I have to say...I really like so many of them! Twitch and Kherington (sp?), I LOVE Joshua, and the list goes on. HOWEVER...Chelsea and Mark's hip hop routine was FABULOUS! Brian and I have rewatched that like 10 times at least. We just can't delete that off our DVR. :) So thought I'd share for those of you that haven't seen it. :) It is BY FAR our FAVORITE dance of all season!! the time on the video and when you get to about 2 min and 23 seconds...I LOVE LOVE LOVE that little trick they do. AMAZING!! If I've watched the whole dance like 20 times, I've watched that part like 100!!! Enjoy!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Summer Fun...

Well it's finally happened! Utah skipped right on over spring, and summer is in full force now! It is HOT!!! And SUNNY!!! Yeah for NO MORE SNOW!!!! :) Anyway: these are from a few days ago. Kylie and her best friend got together to go swimming, eat yogurt, and enjoy the sun. We had a great time!

Our BEAUTIFUL girls....

Those same beautiful girls lounging and eating their go-gurt...

Those same beautiful girls running off to enjoy the yard together! (Living up the years they have where running around in a bathing suit like this is really cute! :) Maybe the mother's of these girls will take a pic like this and I can show you the difference a few years can make. :) Haha...that would be a sight!)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Happy Birthday to Kylie Part 2

***I know this post is long overdue! Feel like I've said this before, but better late than never!***
Happy Birthday My Baby Girl!!!

We had a birthday party for Kylie when we were in CO on her actual birthday. But of course we wanted to throw one for her at our house as well. So we invited all the family up and we had a great time with everyone that came! It was GREAT weather so we ate some yummy food, had games for the kids, watched the balloons I sent Brian out in a rush to get blow away just minutes after I tied them up (guess not tight enough!), decorated sunglasses, ate some yummy cake and ice cream, and just had fun. I can NOT believe my baby girl is 2. It honestly is so sad to me. She is growing up TOO fast! It's a fun age, I'll admit, but it's still sad. She is taking like CRAZY! She repeats everything you say. Her new thing is whenever she's eating something she really likes (like her yogurt that she would eat 10 times a day if we let her) she'll say, "MMMM...delicious! It's SO FUNNY to hear her say it. But she will say anything and speaks pretty clearly for most things as well. She's my buddy and I love her more than I ever thought possible! Happy Birthday Baby Girl! Know your mama loves you SO MUCH!!! Here are some pics from the day! (Thanks Em for the top one and some of the others!)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day Part 2


Father's Day is about celebrating your father's, and also about celebrating the father of your of course I have to do that as well! I'm so amazed at how good of a father my hubby is. He is SO SWEET with our darling Kylie. She definitely has won his heart from day one. (Maybe because he was looking at his mini-me from day one :) ) They are such a sweet pair. She can't wait for him to get home from work, and he can't wait to get home from work to see her. He is so loving, thoughtful, sensitive to her needs, teaches her, and is just amazing. Thanks for being a FABULOUS father and know how much I LOVE YOU! Thanks for all you sacrifice and give to our little family!! You are such an amazing husband and father!!! Truly, one of my favorite things is to watch these two together...they are SO CUTE!!!

Happy Father's Day!!!

I know this is a day late, but better late than never! :) Story of my life these days. :)

My dad is truly one amazing man. He has been through so much in his life, and he's still kicking! :) I admire him so much. It brings me to tears to think of him...he is and always will be my daddy! Growing up being the only girl with three brothers brought us even closer as daddy and daughter. I am so thankful I am blessed with him as a father. He has always worked so hard and sacrificed so much for his family. I always will appreciate (and probably don't even know the 1/2 of it) how much he did sacrifice. I couldn't ask for a better father. He has an amazing attitude about life, he is so strong, he has such a strong testimony, he is such a good example, he always can make me happy, he bears his burdens so magnificently...he's my daddy! I know he's not perfect, but he's pretty close to it to me! :) I LOVE YOU DADDY! I wish for you to have all your wishes come true. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Happy Birthday To Kylie #1

***LOTS OF PHOTOS WARNING!!!***'ve been warned. I guess I'm feeling guilty for not posting things for so long, when I have SO MUCH to post! So I'll give you lots of photos if you wish to look at them all. :) This is all the way back from May 25th! Kylie's 2nd BIRTHDAY!!!!! (I can't believe she is growing so fast. It's so sad...really! Anyone know how to slow things down?!) Since we were at my parents house for Cameron's graduation, we decided to stay longer to make sure we got her a party in on her actual birthday. It was fun to have 1/2 her cousin's there!!! Most of us Brown clan were there....we missed you lots Matty! My mom and I had a lot of fun planning this party. We even made a little kids food table filled with Kylie's fave food so the kids could totally feel a part of things. I think they loved that part. But we played games, had lots of bubbles flying around the yard, had yummy food, Kylie got spoiled with presents....a perfect party!

Kylie with all her cousins that were there that could walk. :) Camden was inside where he could be protected from the wild. :)
The kids food table. Kylie would not stop eating the yogurt. She LOVES that stuff! (The stuff in the tube.) She'd eat 10 a day if we let her.
Beautiful Lexy! She had fun playing in Kylie's bow stash. She is SO GORGEOUS!
My sweet Kylie with another one of her fave things...bubbles. Brian blew them all afternoon, it seemed. But the kids loved them and couldn't get enough. :)
All the kids playing around. My parents yard is FABULOUS! When they moved in they planted all these trees. So now they have so much privacy and we were in our own little oasis. It was great!
Kylie with her cupcake. She loved the frosting. The cake part...not so much!
The bigger kids LOVED the present part. They were definitely helpful in opening the presents. They would get so excited to see what she got next. It was precious.
Kylie with a toy she'd been admiring every time we were at Sophie's house. Grandma and Grandpa got this for her. She was SO EXCITED and hasn't put it down since!
So this was Kylie's birthday party #1. I'll post photos of her party at our house later. :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGEL! I love you so much!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Disney Store Fun...

When we were out in CO, Brian and I went away for 2 days to celebrate our anniversary. We had a FABULOUS time! We went to movies, fun restaurants, and just had some quality time as a couple. We really needed it, and it was fabulous. I love how much fun we have when it's just the two of us! I love you baby!

As we were out and about, we ended up at the Disney store. Yes...we're pathetic. We missed our Kylie! Well we knew we had to bring her back. We couldn't wait to see her reactions to things we thought she would love. This huge plush rocket from "Little Einsteins" being one of those things. She LOVES that show, and LOVES rocket. So....we took her back and she LOVED the store. She saw all her "friends" and just kept running from one thing to the next. Then we showed her rocket. She couldn't keep her eyes off it. As she went on to the next item, she kept checking back asking for, "Rocket?! Rocket!!!" It was pretty funny. Of course we had to get it for her because we're suckers. :) When we got home, we realized something we forgot to get her. I really wanted her to have this Princess golf set. I thought it was so cute. But we didn't have time to get it. When we had a birthday party for her the next day, Bran and Leah and the kids surprised us by getting it for her! I was SO EXCITED! :) She loves playing with it outside. Anyway: it was a super fun time and we're definitely going back there for sure. We can't wait to take her to Disneyland/World either!

The famous Rocket!

She loved this piano as well...there is the golf set behind her.

She freaked out when she saw Mickey. She doesn't really look it in the photo, but she was so excited. :)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Cameron's Graduation! I have SO MUCH to catch up on. So be watching for lots of new posts. :) I am going to start with my baby brother's high school graduation! I can't believe Cameron is graduating! Where did the time go?! It's a bit sad...I must say. I think I'm still in denial. He is such an amazing young man, and one that has taught me a lot of lessons in life. Our whole family was able to be there for it, and I'm so glad. It was a blast! Congrats Cam! We're all a bit worried about my parents being empty nesters, but hopefully they will adjust quickly! :)
The cutie parents of the graduate! I love you guys!

Ahhhhh...all the siblings together! And yes...that is my cutie Grandpa in the background! Love all you guys a ton! (In case any one has any doubt...ALL my brothers are the most amazing men! They have ALL taught me so much in my lifetime and I look up to them all! Sometimes it was tough being raised in a house of mostly boys, but most of the time I was so thankful for it. I LOVE LOVE LOVE you all!!!)

Yes...there were some tears shed for sure! Cam Cam and his mommy!

Then a more formal pose of the graduate and his parents.

And even Kylie got in on the hugging fun! She's so proud of her Uncle Cam-Cam!