Sunday, June 1, 2008

Cameron's Graduation! I have SO MUCH to catch up on. So be watching for lots of new posts. :) I am going to start with my baby brother's high school graduation! I can't believe Cameron is graduating! Where did the time go?! It's a bit sad...I must say. I think I'm still in denial. He is such an amazing young man, and one that has taught me a lot of lessons in life. Our whole family was able to be there for it, and I'm so glad. It was a blast! Congrats Cam! We're all a bit worried about my parents being empty nesters, but hopefully they will adjust quickly! :)
The cutie parents of the graduate! I love you guys!

Ahhhhh...all the siblings together! And yes...that is my cutie Grandpa in the background! Love all you guys a ton! (In case any one has any doubt...ALL my brothers are the most amazing men! They have ALL taught me so much in my lifetime and I look up to them all! Sometimes it was tough being raised in a house of mostly boys, but most of the time I was so thankful for it. I LOVE LOVE LOVE you all!!!)

Yes...there were some tears shed for sure! Cam Cam and his mommy!

Then a more formal pose of the graduate and his parents.

And even Kylie got in on the hugging fun! She's so proud of her Uncle Cam-Cam!


Jill said...

How fun for you all to be together. What awesome support you show one another. Love you guys. Your family rocks!! I miss them!

Mandy said...

It looked fun, too bad it was 9 at night huh for pictures!! But such a cute family.

Brenda said...

Whoa. I feel old. REAL old. Cute pics and I'm so glad you had a great time with your family! Miss you babe!

Candy said...

What fun. I have three brothers too and it is great!

Debbie said...

Ashley! The pictures are really great! That all was a wow! Thank you for those!!!!! On your spot about your amazing husband, truthfully, He is One of a kind. THere is no explanation of him. He is one of my greatest blessings!! I always felt you deserved the best. ( I know there are alot of BEST husbands out there, but I am so glad I got Brian!!! :):) Love ya, THE MOM