Thursday, June 12, 2008

Happy Birthday To Kylie #1

***LOTS OF PHOTOS WARNING!!!***'ve been warned. I guess I'm feeling guilty for not posting things for so long, when I have SO MUCH to post! So I'll give you lots of photos if you wish to look at them all. :) This is all the way back from May 25th! Kylie's 2nd BIRTHDAY!!!!! (I can't believe she is growing so fast. It's so sad...really! Anyone know how to slow things down?!) Since we were at my parents house for Cameron's graduation, we decided to stay longer to make sure we got her a party in on her actual birthday. It was fun to have 1/2 her cousin's there!!! Most of us Brown clan were there....we missed you lots Matty! My mom and I had a lot of fun planning this party. We even made a little kids food table filled with Kylie's fave food so the kids could totally feel a part of things. I think they loved that part. But we played games, had lots of bubbles flying around the yard, had yummy food, Kylie got spoiled with presents....a perfect party!

Kylie with all her cousins that were there that could walk. :) Camden was inside where he could be protected from the wild. :)
The kids food table. Kylie would not stop eating the yogurt. She LOVES that stuff! (The stuff in the tube.) She'd eat 10 a day if we let her.
Beautiful Lexy! She had fun playing in Kylie's bow stash. She is SO GORGEOUS!
My sweet Kylie with another one of her fave things...bubbles. Brian blew them all afternoon, it seemed. But the kids loved them and couldn't get enough. :)
All the kids playing around. My parents yard is FABULOUS! When they moved in they planted all these trees. So now they have so much privacy and we were in our own little oasis. It was great!
Kylie with her cupcake. She loved the frosting. The cake part...not so much!
The bigger kids LOVED the present part. They were definitely helpful in opening the presents. They would get so excited to see what she got next. It was precious.
Kylie with a toy she'd been admiring every time we were at Sophie's house. Grandma and Grandpa got this for her. She was SO EXCITED and hasn't put it down since!
So this was Kylie's birthday party #1. I'll post photos of her party at our house later. :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGEL! I love you so much!


Jill said...

Fun!! She is so stinkin' cute. That was hardly any pictures, I was all geared up for a huge scrapbook and then it abruptly ended. I wanted more!!!!!!!

Emily said...

Cuteness! I do not even recognize those cute cousins! It has been a LONG time! SO her hair up in pig-tails..I attempted that with Bay but only half her hair is long enought to go up...sad...So jealous of Kylie's hair! :) And I agree...I want more!

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday to Kylie!!! She's getting so big...when are you coming to Illinois?? Little Charlie wants to meet Kylie!

Lindsay said...

Cute pictures! It looks like Kylie had a great birthday with all her cousins! I can't believe how big they've gotten! Time flies!

KT said...

Oh, to be young and the center of the universe again. :-)

jan said...

Cute pictures and fun to see Brandon's kids. I want that toy that Kylie got! With the little people in some kind of contraption. Cute!