Sunday, July 6, 2008

Garden Pics...

So I have pictures from the 4th to post, but Brian wanted me to put photos of the garden on our blog, so I wanted to do this first for him. His parents have a massive garden in their back yard and we want to show them ours. We know it's piddly compared to yours, mom and dad, but we have to start somewhere! :) This post is just for them, but if anyone else cares...feel free to enjoy our garden pics as well. :) We had the people that did our fence make some garden boxes for us. We wanted them to be pretty and cute. :) Then Brian filled them with top soil, so hopefully we could have a fruitful garden this year. (We weren't the best at doing a garden in our old house. We would plant one, and then not really make sure it had enough water, weed, or anything like that. Then we would wonder why we didn't have anything produce in it. :) ) And we now have squash, zucchini, watermelons, cantaloupe, green beans, peas, tomatoes, peppers, and I think that's all growing in these two boxes! Every day we look at it and everything seems bigger and more massive than the day before. We can't wait until things are big enough to pick. I LOVE fresh veggies from the garden! Brian took these photos on the 4th, and it's already changed a bit. But here is our garden:

We have two boxes...with a little pathway between them and also in the back and side where the fence is.

Green beans on the left, then peppers, than our massive tomato plants

These are our tomato plants and we think they are going to take over soon. They are even bigger than this now!

How cute is our little baby squash that's already growing?!

These are our squash, zucchini, cucumbers, watermelon, and cantaloupe plants.

Anyone is welcome to come visit and have some yummy fresh veggies when it starts producing! Mom and Dad, we hope you're reading this! :) We miss you guys!


bribets said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! I can't believe how much everything has grown!!! I swear it was only a few weeks ago that I saw tiny little sprouts popping up. Wow! Rural life is treating you guys well. It must be that irrigation water!!!

Mandy said...

It looks great, Brian is doing great with his gardening skills, now if some would just rub off on us!

Jill said...

Wow. That is awesome. You go girl. I might start one someday! lol.

MFB said...

is that marijuana? heehee

brandi said...

wowza! Nice veggies.