My littlest brother is growing up so fast! I can't believe it! My once little Cameron is so not little anymore. AND....he just left for TWO WHOLE YEARS! Where did he go?! Why...he is off to serve a mission for our church. He is going to Fresno, California to serve. I'm so excited for him and he's grown up so much from this experience already! Here are just a few shots of our last little bit of time with him for the next 2 years....
Before he left, we all went out to dinner as a fam. Didn't get many pics...but I did LOVE this picture of Kylie and her Grandpa Brown! LOVE LOVE IT!

This is an awful pic of me, but's my sweet brother and oh well! I love this kid. He was my buddy growing up....and I can't believe how old he seems these days! Where did my little Cam-Cam go?!??!?

All missionaries start at the Missionary Training Center (MTC). We took Cams there on Wednesday, Feb 4th. It was a sad day, but I'm so proud of him. Here he is with our parents....and Kylie wouldn't leave Grandma's side. :) I could of cropped it out, but how could I?! :)

Three generations Grandpa, Cams, and my Daddy. Cute and amazing men...all three!!!

My two younger brothers...Matty and Cam-Cam. Love these guys! Brandon, Leah, and fam...we missed you all LIKE CRAZY!!!!

And Cam-Cam and Kylie. They have a really cute relationship. It's amazing to me how much Cameron LOVES his nieces and nephews. They all love him right back! I got to talk to Cameron real quick when he was at the airport flying off to Fresno. When I got off the phone Kylie says, "Can Camer (she calls him Camer) come play for ONE MINUTE?!" (Said with great emphasis....she's in a phase thinking if she says one minute anything can happen because it's such a short time. :) ) Then I told her a bit about why he couldn't come and why we wouldn't see him for a long time. She looks at me with this totally pouty face and says, "That makes me so sad." It was so sweet. I swear...this kid is 2 going on 16!
FRESNO!!! you should have told me, did you know I lived there for 2 years! I absolutely LOVE the mission president and his family, they were in my ward (I bet it is the same one but I totally can't remember their name right now). Where is he??
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