Tuesday, March 17, 2009

We Miss You Camer...

I should have posted these photos before I posted the ones with Cameron (although we now call him Camer since that is what Kylie calls him) at the Missionary Training Center. These are a few shots of Camer's last days before he headed out on his mission. WE MISS YOU CAMER!!! We are proud of you and excited for you, but we miss your smiley face!

Camer with his Mommas!
Camer with his oldest brother, Brandon, and Daddy! Can you tell they are related?! :)

A more casual shot of these three.

Camer with Leah, Brandon's wife, and one of their DARLING sons, Crae!
Camser with his oldest neice...Lexy. So cute!
Update on Camer and his mission: he really is doing great! He's adjusting so well and seems really happy. If any of you want to write him a letter...just let me know and I can send you his address. He is very faithful at writing letters (he emails most but we've already gotten a few letters from him) and I'm sure he'd love to hear from anyone from home! :)


Kasia said...

ok I remembered, is his mission president pres beck?