Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bored?! Go Shopping!

Around Jan 18th, we were hanging out at the house. Well all got really stir crazy (Brian was home too) so we headed off to the mall. Why not, right?! And I have to say....it is SO MUCH MORE FUN shopping for Kylie than for either Brian or I. So don't ask me how, but we ended up at Gymboree. Brian was on Kylie duty since I get a bit distracted in that store. :) I came to the back and see this.... She loved sitting in those chairs they have and watching their TV. Too funny. A ploy to keep the kids happy so the parents keep shopping?! I think so! :)

I asked her to look up at me and this is the look she gives me. Could she be more annoyed I'm ruining her fun?! :)
"Really, mom?! You have to be doing this now?!" Too funny!
Yes...cast still there!